Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
The composition of a successful commercial image needs to be clear and supportive of the image's main concept and primary subject. A good composition is one which does not limit the potential use of the image by designers (by being tightly cropped, for example). Engaging the classical rules of composition, such as the rule of thirds, the golden ratio or a supportive use of negative space may help you to produce good commercial images. You may visit the Stock Photo Utilities section of our site or the message boards for more information on how to produce stock-oriented images.
Fotolia: OK
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
The composition of a successful commercial image needs to be clear and supportive of the image's main concept and primary subject. A good composition is one which does not limit the potential use of the image by designers (by being tightly cropped, for example). Engaging the classical rules of composition, such as the rule of thirds, the golden ratio or a supportive use of negative space may help you to produce good commercial images. You may visit the Stock Photo Utilities section of our site or the message boards for more information on how to produce stock-oriented images.
Fotolia: OK
Focus--Your image is not in focus or focus is not located where we feel it works best.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
DreamsTime: OK
Fotolia: OK
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Distorted pixels, image was interpolated, poorly scanned, upsampled, oversharpened or JPG was not saved at the highest quality.
Fotolia: OK
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Too many photos/illustrations on the same subject or from the same series. Your submission should not duplicate content already in your portfolio or content which you plan to upload separately in the future (ie. collages based on your images). Please be more selective and choose only the best shots or illustrations.
Fotolia: OK
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
DreamsTime: OK
Fotolia: OK
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
DreamsTime: OK
Powodem odrzucenia zdjęcia była zbyt duża ilość dostępnych w banku zdjęć Fotolia podobnych do siebie lub takich samych obrazów.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
DreamsTime: OK
Powodem odrzucenia zdjęcia była zbyt duża ilość dostępnych w banku zdjęć Fotolia podobnych do siebie lub takich samych obrazów.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
DreamsTime: OK
Fotolia: OK
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
DreamsTime: OK
Nasz Zespół Edytorów uznał, że obraz nie spełnia kryteriów Fotolia odnoszących się do poziomu jakości fotografii.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
DreamsTime: OK
Nasz Zespół Edytorów uznał, że obraz nie spełnia kryteriów Fotolia odnoszących się do poziomu jakości fotografii.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
DreamsTime: OK
Nasz Zespół Edytorów uznał, że obraz nie spełnia kryteriów Fotolia odnoszących się do poziomu jakości fotografii.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows. White balance may be incorrect.
Limited Commercial Value--We do not need this image at this time.
DreamsTime: OK
Nasz Zespół Edytorów uznał, że obraz nie spełnia kryteriów Fotolia odnoszących się do poziomu jakości fotografii.
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